Tuesday, February 11, 2014

An Interesting Year

So 2009 was very interesting for me.  I photographed my first gay wedding.  Both the brides were gorgeous and fun women to work with.  Oh, how I wish they lived in the state, they would be great models!  I was so surprised by this wedding.  There are any number of reasons for that, mostly having to do with last minute, only email contact for a week before the date and there were no hard times for anything that was going to happen.  I really went into the whole thing expecting it was not going to happen.  But it did!  And I had so much fun.  I'm so glad we were able to hook up and make this happen for these girls.  Yay Iowa!

Also did a bunch more senior photos.  Senior photos can be so much fun.  Usually they are the most fun when we get to go outside and go exploring.  I've worked with some fabulous seniors and would like to work with some more.  Especially when we can make photos like these.

Did get a couple more Trash the Dress sessions in also.  Like I've said before and I'll say again and again; Trash the Dress shoots don't really ruin the wedding dresses.  There is a higher likelihood for it being damaged, but it doesn't actually damage the dresses.  So, if you are ever interested, please call me and I'll set you up!

All in all it was a good year.  Lots of fun people to work with and tons of interesting photos.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Repeat clients

I was very lucky and had loads of clients repeat with me.  Some I worked with them for their engagement photos, wedding, babies and beyond.  It is always nice to see a family start and grow.

Allison and Andrew.  Later joined by Carson.

I was lucky enough to meet this wonderful couple and later meet the life they brought into this world.  They were always so much fun to work with and their son is incredibly fun to work with.  He was so happy and fully of good spirits.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

2008 Continued...

It was feeling a little empty to not include some of the wedding photos I did take in 2008.

I was able to travel to Southern Missouri for one unforgettable wedding.  There was a tank involved and everything.

Then there was the wedding with 16 attendants.  It was actually a lot of fun.  Lots of bright colors and fun kids around.

Oh, and the Christmas wedding in a snow storm!  So beautiful and so much fun.

Weddings are fun.  Especially when there are fun props, clients willing to get crazy and have a good time.  The beauty of those kinds of instants in time are hard to express.  Hopefully the photos speak for themselves.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Settling in to a style

Seems that 2008 was the year of the Senior Photo for me.  By that, I mean, I had a whole three seniors for the year.  For me, that was a lot.  I don't know a lot of people with kids.  I don't advertise to seniors.  But it can be interesting and fun to take those photos.  But it can also have its challenges.  The teens want their photos to be similar to their friends and yet, somehow unique.  Parents want photos that the families will appreciate.  It can make for quite the juggle.

I also had the chance to work with several families.  I like working with kids.  Can be a lot of fun to get down to their level and show off their personalities.

I really would like to take photos of more kids.  I have more fun working with them.  Especially when they are in their own element, playing at a park or playground.  Those are the photos that everyone should want.  Their personality captured so perfectly, a way to remember exactly how they were at age 2, 6 ...10 years old.  Plus, no meltdowns or screaming fits from being overwhelmed with posing requests in a studio.

Yea, I'd really like to do more photos of kids.

Monday, January 20, 2014

After the beginning there was ... improvement?

So, last time we talked about how I, hopefully, made some improvement between 2005 and 2006.  I was super busy, constantly shooting weddings and all sorts of other portraits.  I started building my studio in 2007, once we bought our house.

Oh yes, I think I definitely got braver in my photo taking.  As evidenced by the gravel road photo. Yikes! I can't believe I took that.  But it was a fun time, for certain!

This was also the year I started doing Trash the Dress Photos.  I never did get a lot of brides willing to do that.  Which is too bad.  Trash the Dress sounds so much worse than it really is.  Seriously, I don't think anyone's dress was actually ruined in the process.  But, boy did they get some cool photos.

Gorgeous! I need to do more photos like that!  I need volunteers!