Thursday, January 23, 2014

Settling in to a style

Seems that 2008 was the year of the Senior Photo for me.  By that, I mean, I had a whole three seniors for the year.  For me, that was a lot.  I don't know a lot of people with kids.  I don't advertise to seniors.  But it can be interesting and fun to take those photos.  But it can also have its challenges.  The teens want their photos to be similar to their friends and yet, somehow unique.  Parents want photos that the families will appreciate.  It can make for quite the juggle.

I also had the chance to work with several families.  I like working with kids.  Can be a lot of fun to get down to their level and show off their personalities.

I really would like to take photos of more kids.  I have more fun working with them.  Especially when they are in their own element, playing at a park or playground.  Those are the photos that everyone should want.  Their personality captured so perfectly, a way to remember exactly how they were at age 2, 6 ...10 years old.  Plus, no meltdowns or screaming fits from being overwhelmed with posing requests in a studio.

Yea, I'd really like to do more photos of kids.

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